Welcome to Service December 22, 2024


The First Noel

Hark The Herald Angels Sing

Away In A Manger (Forever Amen)

Go Tell It On The Mountain


Let’s Connect
If you are here this morning, we want to know about it! This is especially true for those of you joining us online because your digital presence is a lot harder to detect and approach than your physical presence would be. Please take a minute to fill out the connection card found here (or at the top of this page) so we can connect with you! There is some information that we share through email, but if we don’t have your email address we can’t get it to you. This connection card is also an excellent way to share prayer requests and praises with our prayer team, to request information about the church, upcoming events, or anything else you’d like us to know!

Christmas Eve Service
Mark your calendars! This year, our Christmas Eve service will be on December 24th at 4:00 p.m. and we can’t wait to see you there! We would also like to let you know that the following Sunday’s church service on December 29th will be a digital only service.

Building Celebration
Many of you attended the site visit we held at the building, where we invited you to dream with us about the vision for this space and what God could do in this building. On Sunday, 12/15, we put the decision in our member’s hands as we invited them to vote to either approve or deny the purchase of this building. And 100% of you voted yes! And, as of today, we officially now own the building. Hallelujah and praise God! 

Thank you so much for your faithfulness in serving and giving both to our church and to the building fund that allowed us to get to this point. As we look to the future, we invite you to join us in praying for the city’s graciousness towards us as we take care of demolition and occupancy necessities for our church to be able to actively use the space. As Alex mentioned in an email earlier this week, if you are excited about what God is doing, we ask that you continue to partner with us through:

Membership Class
Did you want to vote on the building, but you weren’t a member? The good news is that you don’t have to miss any future votes if you don’t want to! We are having another upcoming membership class after the new year in January, where you can officially go through our church’s membership process. Learn about things like how the church began, how we live out our vision and mission, more about our denomination and Life Church Network, and what our Essential Beliefs are.

We will have this meeting on 1/18 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., which you can sign up for via this form here. We have another vote upcoming on the horizon during our Annual Meeting in February where we will vote on our church’s budget. So, if you want to make sure your voice is heard, be sure to join our membership class ahead of time!

Upcoming Mental Health Sermon Series: It’s OK to Ask For Help
Mental health struggles are deeply real, deeply personal, and incredibly common. Things like depression, anxiety, lingering traumas, or prolonged grief are things that almost all of us struggle with at one point or another throughout life.  Unfortunately, when we are struggling, most of us put on a mask that makes it seem like everything is fine when it is not, and this creates loneliness, isolation and destruction. At Life Church Livonia, we want you to know that It’s OK to Ask For Help. Your mental health struggles do not define you, Jesus does. Join us for this four week series as we connect some common mental health struggles to God’s People, God’s Word and God’s Power. This January, It’s OK to Ask For Help.

Thanks for Giving
Here at Life Church Livonia we believe that every person was made for a life transforming relationship with Jesus Christ. Everything we do is for that purpose. The only way we’re able to do any of the mission we are doing here at Life Church Livonia is that people like you give of your resources. If you have been giving, thank you. Your contribution has helped life change happen. If you haven’t begun giving, it’s never too late to start! If you joined us in person this morning you can drop your gift in the basket on your way out, or you can click here to give digitally.